
TrCalc : Transistor Bias Calculator for iPhone

Nine99 2010. 5. 26. 10:28
This App helps designing a circuit of Transistor.
You can easily design a Guitar effecter and Audio Amplifier when you use this App.
When you set up the value of Passive element in the Common Emitter Circuit, Amplify Ratio is also calculated automatically according to base bias, Emitter Voltage& Current, Load Resistance. 


First of all set the Base, Emitter, Collector Register and then touch the ‘Calc’ Button. Electric current, voltage and amplification rate will be automatically calculated. 

The circuit which can be calculated are Voltage Divided Bias, FeedBack Bias, Swamped Voltage Divided Bias.

Function of OPAMP, Differential Amplifier design and Filter design in the AF will be added later.